Wednesday, 3 December 2014

My Design. My Partners Final Images and Peer Evaluation.

Working closely with another student has ultimately allowed me to gain knowledge and experience in being a designer as well as a makeup artist. It has taught me alot about communication and how important it is to ensure your work comes out exactly how each person wants it.
My partner Kerry clearly has a strong interest in makeup which meant she really gave my design a go and even helped me in changing certain aspects of my design. Kerry was always practicing my design which really gave her the best chance at creating an amazing final piece, which she did do.
I am very happy about the overall outcome of my design. I do however, need to pick up on a few points that were not so good about working with Kerry. During our first practice session she did not bring in any designs and I had to re create what she wanted from an online image, which was difficult. This meant I had to do more home trials on myself. Another point is that in her final design she included some pearls that she wanted to go around the outside of her eyes, due to her not bringing them in for any practice runs the assessment was the first time I had used them, which took the majority of my time up. I had a real struggle with putting them on the face and with time limited, I nearly didn't complete my look.

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